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Tranmere Park Primary School

Science in Action!

Welcome to our ‘Science in Action’ page. Below you will find some of practical investigations and enquiries we have carried out across EYFS to Y6. You will also see some of the wider curriculum enrichment activities we have been engaging in, to help enhance our cultural capital in the world of Science…

Curriculum Enrichment Activities:

Y5 Guiseley Taster Day – A Journey to Mars
Today, Year 5 visited Guiseley High to take part in a taster day themed around a journey to Mars. As part of their day, they visited the Science Department to have a go at filtering some Mars water!


The Great Science Share for Schools 2024
This year, Tranmere have been engaging with the Great Science Share for Schools – a campaign that aims to inspire children and young people to ask, investigate and share scientific questions that are important to them. As part of this, they have been completing the ‘penny drop’ investigation in class and creating sustainable science poetry for homework.



Ingleborough Hall Y4 Residential
As part of Y4’s residential at Ingleborough Hall, all pupils went caving. Renowned for their limestone landscapes, the caves offer a range of features such as stalactites, stalagmites, flowstones, fossils and underground rivers – bringing their ‘Rocks’ unit to life.


British Science Week

This week was British Science week, and this year’s theme was all about ‘time’. All pupils across school have engaged in a range of different activities, investigations and experiments centered around this topic. 


Mars Day
To celebrate Mars Day today, pupils across school, from EYFS to Y6, have taken part in a range of different fun and engaging activities centered around the terrestrial planet! From taking part in STEM interactive live lessons and quizzes, to creating their own rockets, Mars Rovers (edible of course!), aliens, watercolour and bubble paintings and, attempting to program their own Scratch characters to land on Mars…



Chicks in KS1
To enhance and enrich the childrens’ learning within their current ‘Animals Including Humans’ science unit, KS1 have had a very special delivery this week! 20 eggs were delivered in an incubator with news that they would soon be hatching! This morning the children arrived at school to discover 2 chicks had already hatched, and by the end of the day they had a whopping 7!


International Day of Girls and Women in Science (Activities)
To celebrate International Day of Girls and Women in Science, pupils have spent some time learning about important women from the industry. They have then independently researched selected Girls and Women of which they made detailed, vibrant and informative posters and biographies about. Pupils have also spent some time learning about the different job roles within the field of science (zoologists, biologists, and astronomers – to name a few!), and many have been inspired to think about these roles as potential future careers!



International Day of Girls and Women in Science (Reading Areas)
To help celebrate International Girls and and Women in Science Day, reading areas across school have been filled with books that highlight inspirational Girls and Women in this field, both past and present.


Spaceship Earth Show
This morning, Puffins took part in an interactive Spaceship Earth Show presented by The STEM Hub. The children saw what it would be like to be launched into our solar system and what we use satellites for.


World Soil Day