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Tranmere Park Primary School

Home/School Communication

Pupil Mentoring Files/Annual Reports

Pupil mentoring files come home three times a year, in the first half of each term, and give an overview for parents of children’s progress in each term. They inform parents about each pupil’s attainment, achievement and attitudes and are followed up with parent/teacher consultations in the second half of the Autumn and Spring terms. The end of year report summarises all aspects of pupil progress throughout the year.

Parent/Teacher Consultations

Parents’ evenings are held twice a year – once in the Autumn term and again in Spring. Parents’ evenings are an opportunity to discuss pupil progress and raise any issues with the class teacher.

Informal Meetings

Informal meetings can be as effective.  We encourage parents of all our pupils to keep in close contact with the school – it’s nearly always possible to speak with the class teacher for a moment or two after school and a longer discussion can be arranged within a day or two.

Speak to the Head/Pastoral Team/SENDCo

As well as speaking to the class teacher, the Headteachers are always available to respond to general questions or concerns.  They are on the playground most mornings for this purpose. If you would like a longer meeting this can be arranged through the school office. Mr Armstrong from the Thrive Team is available to speak to every morning and Mrs Byrne, the school SENDCo is on the playground before school on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.


We produce a newsletter weekly, ‘The Tranmere Times’, which keeps parents informed about general school issues.  The school website is updated regularly and informs our parents of school or class information/news. In addition to this, knowledge organisers are produced six times yearly. They detail the learning that will be taking place in your child’s class that half term. There are knowledge organisers for Topic, Maths, English and Science. These are placed onto the school website for parents to access.

Parents can also use home/school diaries and planners to communicate with school.


We also publish news to this site regularly.