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Tranmere Park Primary School


Bullying is not tolerated in any form; verbal or physical attacks, name calling or isolating children from groups are all treated seriously. All children and adults at our school have a clear understanding of how we should treat each other. If bullying occurs, it is dealt with immediately. Our staff provide support for children who may experience friendship problems or bullying, and children are encouraged to talk to the adult the feel most comfortable talking to. Mr Armstrong, Miss Bell and Mrs Byrne also operate a daily drop-in for parents to pop in and discuss any issues from 8.45 to 9.30 every day. Parents can also contact them by phone or by e-mailing the school.

Children in school are reminded that bullying is a set of actions that occur Several Times On Purpose. We use the acronym STOP to remind them of this.

S – Several
T – Times
O – On
P – Purpose

Children at Tranmere Park have worked to create their own anti-bullying policy and have all agreed to follow it.

KS1 Anti-bullying poster – Ella – School Council

KS2 Anti-bullying poster – Josie – School Council